Citra Pearly White UV versus Citra Pearly White UV Extra

Hello Cherries! ^.^
I promised in my Missha M Magic Strobeam cushion review (pink version) that I would review my body lotions with Korean pink pearl as soon as possible. TA-DA !!!! These are the lotions that I use.
About Citra
Citra is a brand that is well-known in India, Thailand and Indonesia. If you ever go to Thailand or Indonesia, you will find this brand everywhere. It is often seen as a brand from Thailand, because there are many Thai packaging and the brand is promoted more in that country, but this is not 100% accurate. The brand gets delivered by Unilever (which also includes Dove and Vaseline).
Below you will see some better pictures of my lotions. Coincidentally the sun shone through my room that day, so I couldn't make the best photos. Instead I made close-ups a few days later. The small, pink bottle contains the Citra Pearly White UV and the larger bottle contains the Citra Pearly White UV Extra.

What do both lotions have in common?

Both lotions contain the Korean pink pearl as the main ingredient. It doesn't only provides a natural glow on the body, but also prevents dark areas and beginning moles on the body. These lotions are also the most popular from all the other lotions that Citra has. The Citra Pearly White UV is the best seller and also the best promoted.


What are the differences between both lotions?
There are two differences between both lotions. The consistency and amount of concentrated Korean pink pearl. The word "extra" already says it in the Citra Pearly White UV Extra. This lotion contains 2x more concentrated pearl than the regular lotion of the pearl collection. You can see the difference in the consistency in the photos below. You notice that the consistency of the extra version is thicker than the regular version.

Left = Citra Pearly White UV
Right = Citra Pearly White UV Extra

So here you can notice that the extra version (right) has a thicker consistency.

Do both lotions protect the skin against the sun?
Yes. They indeed protect the skin against the sun by the UVA/UVB protection, but both lotions don't protect the skin optimally against the sun. They do not contain SPF.
How did you experience the lotions?
Citra Pearly White UV
I have experienced this lotion as good. The product is fast absorbing and moisturizing! It also spreads very easily, because the consistency is thin. The lotion indeed gives a natural glow to your body while having a little bit glitter in it. The glitter is not much visible in the sun. Unless you want to make crazy movements, hahaha! Personally, the glitter doesn't bother me, because it goes along with the glow. The glitters are therefore very delicate. As for the dark spots and moles, I honestly don't see any effect. In my view, this product is not strong enough to counter the last problem. At least, that's how I experienced it.
Citra Pearly White UV Extra
I also experience this lotion as good. Although this lotion has a thicker consistency, it also absorbs quickly. This is slightly more moisturizing than the regular version! It spreads quite easily and this lotion gives a natural glow to your body while having a little bit glitter in it. This lotion has 2x more concentrated Korean pink pearl, but I don't see any difference in the glow and/or glitter. It is very delicate. I do see differences in the moles and dark spots on my body. The dark places have become much lighter and some spots have already disappeared. The moles are also not so dark anymore and it stops the process of new moles. I really appreciate this, because I am very prone in the summer for getting moles. So, this lotion has helped me very well to solve the problem!
In how many sizes are both lotions available?
Both lotions are available in 4 different sizes. (This also applies to most Citra lotions!)     
  • 50ml (Travel size!)     
  • 150ml    
  • 400 ml     
  • 600 ml

Coincidentally I have two different sizes in my photos. I have the Citra Pearly White UV in the regular size (150ml) and I have the Citra Pearly White UV Extra in a somewhat larger size (400ml).


PAY ATTENTION! The sizes 400ml and 600ml only come in large bottles with a pump! You can't carry these bottles with you in the bag, because they can't close! That is why I always buy a bottle of 150ml.


Where can I buy these lotions online?

You can easily buy these lotions via eBay and Amazon.


How expensive are the lotions?
That depends on how many ml you would like to buy and at which online store. The normal content (150ml) costs around
€ 7,- (at its cheapest! It can be more expensive at other stores!) and if you go for the maximum (600ml) then you will easily pay around € 23,- . Those are indeed not the cheapest lotions that you will encounter, but it's worth the money!


How long are you using both lotions?
I used the Citra Pearly White UV for 8 months (Dec 2017 - Jul 2018) and I now use the extra version for 4 months (Apr 2018 - Jul 2018). Not with daily use! Normally I apply one of the two lotions or a serum (review comes as soon as possible!) very well after showering. If there are hot days in a row, I use it daily.


In which season(s) can you best use these lotions?

The pearl versions of Citra can best be used in the spring and summer, because they are actually meant for those seasons, but I also used the ordinary version through the winter to moisturize the skin. In fact, you can use these lotions for every season.


Which lotion would you recommend as the best of both lotions?

Personally, I would recommend the extra version over the normal version when it comes to the moles and/or dark spots, because the extra version does a better job in fighting them than the normal version. If you don't have problems with your own melanin process and are not prone to dark spots and/or moles, then I would just go for the normal version. The normal version is less focused on solving that problem and focuses more on a natural glow. Both lotions are also good moisturizers for the skin!


Which lotion of the two would you want to use forever and why?

The Citra Pearly White UV Extra is the one that I would like to use forever, because I am prone to the development of new moles and my moles become quickly dark of themselves (they are still good moles!) This lotion has really done a miracle for my moles and they have even become lighter. Some have disappeared on their own (this result may vary per person!)


Scores for both lotions?
I give the Citra Pearly White UV a total score of 8 and the Citra Pearly White UV Extra a total score of 9.

If you had to choose between both lotions which one would you like to buy?