☆ 2025 ☆
"Be with people who make you feel like you are safe to just be yourself in a world that's full of chaos and ugliness".
- Sabrinalacherry
1) Is it true that you like all kinds of art?
Yes, it's true.
2) Do you listen to music quite often?
3) Would you consider yourself at peace with yourself or overall?
Yes, I am.
4) Do you think you inspire people?
I never thought about inspiring people. I'm always doing my own thing and being myself. Maybe, I do inspire some people. It's just that I'm not aware of it.
5) Sabrina, how do you think about people in general? Would you rather have more or less people in your life?
For me, less is enough. Don't get me wrong. Let me make one thing clear for the rest of my life. I do like people. I have lots of respect and love to give, but I'm very choosy now about the people in my life. I wasn't choosy when I was younger and I regret that. I'm rather alone than dealing with trashy people around me. I don't call people a friend that easily.
6) What is your favorite song at karaoke?
"I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas
7) Sabrina! You went to a Green Day concert in 2024?! I'm so jealous 'cause I missed the one in my home country! I like Green Day too! What is your favorite song by them?
Oh, that's a hard one. I like lots of songs by Green Day. I think I would say "Good Riddance". There is something about that song what brings me back to it from time to time.
8) Is it easy to reach you (as a new person)?
No. You can't take the interstate highway and expect to come into my life like that. You should drive some extra miles to do so. Not everyone is willing to do that, but if you do than thank you. This ain't about driving.
9) Do you enjoy live music and have you been to any concerts or festivals? Which one was the most memorable?
Yes, I do love live music and have been to concerts and festivals. The most memorable to me so far is the Silverstein concert back in 2022 with Comeback Kid, Senses Fail and Koyo as support acts. The mosh pits were a whole work out!
10) Hey Sabrina. I recently got into metal music and read in your previous Q&A that you've taken friends into mosh pits. This may sound insulting, but I don't mean it that way at all! My question is: What do you like about mosh pits and do you ever experience pain and bruises? I'm a guy who wants to try it.
Hey, there! That's really nice! To be honest with you, yes you can get injured or experience pain and bruises. There are different kinds of mosh pits. If you fall, try to get back on your feet as fast as possible. Most of the time, someone or more people will help you up. However, don't get or be scared. When you're in the metalhead community, you're always safe. There is no one judging you.
I met wonderful people just by moshing in the pit. To a lot of people mosh pits are a way to work out agression in a somewhat controlling way. To me a mosh pit brings life because lots of people come together as one. There is no time to think when you are in it. Don't stop. Just go with it and let it all out. You will find yourself screaming to the metal music and adrenaline kicks in. One thing is almost always true. There is a type of respect for people who jumps in. So?
JUMP IN! (^.^) Remember that you are all there to have a good time! A Hell of a good time! When the music stops and it's all over...Everyone is good with each other.
11) If you were a singer, who would you like to collaborate with and why?
Mutya Buena and Kwon Ji yong (AKA G-Dragon). Why? Mutya Buena actually reminds me of myself, but I don't have any singing skills. Let me make that one clear, hahahaha! She doesn't care at all about what people say about her and she stays true to herself. She experiments with hair color and style, but always remains herself and I see myself in that. So I think I would get along well with her. I think she is a hard working lady and has a beautiful voice as well. Kwon Ji Yong also seems to me to be a hard working man who is always looking for challenges. Even when he is not active. I see him always trying to move forward and improve. Trying to do new things as well. This is also reflected in his music and fashion. If you compare his first hit with the last, you will largely see his own unique style, which is amazing! I like him as well and I think if I had the singing skills, he would be able to challenge me!
I think he is incredibly talented.
12) What is your ideal type of date?
I would choose a normal date over any expensive ones. Going for a late night stroll around in the city or town. Taking some artsy pictures of the neon and street art. Maybe some polaroids as we enjoy each others company. Afterwards eating some late night noodles with kimchi or other side dishes at home hits the spot! Filling the night with laughter, real talk and music. It's important to laugh or else you are not living.
13) Why does Sabrina remind me of a very cool and beautiful rock lady with golden retriever energy?
Not to sound arrogant, but I am a very cool and beautiful rock lady with golden retriever energy, hahahahaha! XD
14) How do you look at the people who thought you were crazy when you called other people out on their bullshit, but you were right all along?

15) If you could bring any singer from the 2000s back to life. Who would it be and why?

100% Amy Winehouse! I grew up listening to music of all genres and languages, but Amy's music really captured me when I was a young teenager. I thought she had an incredibly good voice and amazing vintage style. There was no one like her. A very unique and smart young lady. Not only in her music, but also in the way she did interviews. She really lived her songs and it felt like she was talking to her long-time friends who can tell each other everything. She made me stop worrying about things that any teenager was worrying about in those days and made me dance to the Jazz and Soul. Furthermore she had a great sense of humor and I think she was a beautiful soul gone too soon.
"If you don't throw yourself into something, you'll never know what you could have had". - Amy Winehouse
16) What is one of your favorite song covers of all time?
Gotta give this one to Amy Winehouse too!
17) Are you going to change your hair color in 2025 or would you like to stay light blonde?
* Smiling bright to you all through a screen * I've already changed it.
18) Is there a person you are jealous of?
There is indeed a person I'm jealous of and he is the only person I'm jealous of in my entire life. This man below.

19) Are you most likely to enjoy a spontaneous trip with a friend, family member or someone you date?
Yes, I do. I'm a spontaneous person myself, but I like it when someone else comes up with something.
20) Do you like to follow fashion trends?
No, I'd rather stick to my own style.
21) What's something you hope for your fans or people that are admiring you?
I truly hope that anyone figures it out in life. How to live by their own rules and style. Remember that your life is yours and yours alone. You don't owe anyone anything and you shouldn't care about what people think anyway. Don't follow someone else's path and don't stay with a person if it no longer serves you (friendship and/or relationship) Be brave! Break free and be free. Don't ever let your freedom get turned into stone.
22) Almost 30 years old! Still young, but does the idea of getting older scare you?
No, not at all.
23) Name the last song you have listened to.
These Are The Days by Inhaler
24) When do you feel like you are the best version of yourself?
When I'm with the people that I love and adore. They naturally bring the best version out of me.
25) What are two things that you live by?
Lots of love and music
26) Sabrina, how many piercings do you have in total as of today?
27) What's something you like to do?
Do you ever dance alone freely when someone isn't watching and minding your own business? Well, that's what I like to do. If I get busted, I always invite the person to dance with me. Life ain't no fun when you don't dance or laugh. People should learn to not take anything too seriously.
28) If you could make a makeup box for your own fans (aka the Cherries), what products would it definitely include? What would be your inspiration?
My own make up box would be inspired by what I actually use on myself in my own color palette. Usually you see eyebrow pencil or a brow cake, but I prefer pomade. So that's definitely going in. Another product I would like to include for sure is an old fashioned liquid eyeliner bottle or gel eyeliner pot. It may sound strange compared to how the makeup industry has evolved but I like to have makeup products in some kind of an old fashioned way. So, that's what you will probably see.
29) Sabrina, I will never, but really never forget your unbothered face during the live with other bloggers when you had to play the game against a kickboxer. What was going through your mind? I laughed my ass off!
Well, I couldn't really pull a better face at the time, given his oversized ego. I didn't understand his flexing in front of me and wasn't impressed. I wasn't interested at all and literally thought: Is he seriously trying to be a Greek God in front of me or does he have scoliosis?
30) How do you think about getting older?
I have no trouble in getting older. Actually, I like it. I found my teenage years and early to mid twenties exhausting. What I like about getting older is the way how some things become easier to handle. You learn and become more relaxed in life. There are lots of beauty in getting older.
31) What's your favorite kind of pizza?
I don't really have a favorite pizza compared to the past. It's whatever I'm in the mood for.
32) What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever eaten?
33) Do you have a favorite scent (eau toilette or parfum)?
I still don't have a favorite, yet. Most of the time I like to use Lolita Lempicka Sweet, because this one is easy to get for me, but I really like sweet scents. So, I always end up getting myself a sweet parfume. Don't matter the brand.
34) Name one songwriter from the past that has your respect and your favorite song by him or her.
Jerry Chesnut (RIP). Below one of his well known hits which became more popular thanks to Elvis Costello. I loved Jerry his country style and hat! (PS Yes, I know George Jones sang the song before Elvis and his version is great too!)
35) What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
36) Would you rather wear silver or golden jewelry?
37) Do you like to recharge alone or around other people?
Honestly, it depends. I'm not 100% intro or extroverted. It's one way or another. Sometimes I like to recharge around other people and other times I'd like to be at home.
38) Red wine or white wine?
39) If your life was a drama series, how would you call it?
"Where the stars lead"
40) What's your favorite Guns N' Roses song? Why is it your favorite?
My favorite song by Guns N' Roses is called Patience. I love a lot of songs by them but this ballad is something different. It's a different one I'd never heard before. That's why I like it that much.
41) What do you think about hating people or hating in general?
To be completely honest with all of you, hate is not something you're gonna find in me. It's a very expensive emotion. Hating is exhausting and takes caring a lot. I'm far too lazy to hate on anyone.
42) Which band and song made an impact on you in the 2000s?
Tokio Hotel with the song "Don't Jump / Spring Nicht". They had both a German and English version of that song. I loved them a lot in the 2000s. They were far ahead for their time and they are still making music today.
43) Are you more into high end branded or drugstore makeup?
I like to use both high end branded and drugstore makeup. I don't mind where my makeup is from. As long as it does its job and makes me happy when I use it.
44) Choose one of the following: Eyeliner or Eyeshadow?
45) Squid Game season 2 is out! Have you watched it? What were your thoughts of it?
To be honest, I'm not really a fan of the whole Squid Game thing. I watched season 2 because I heard T.O.P. was in it. At first I thought it was a joke, but it wasn't. I could not with his character, because I've known T.O.P. for a long time before Squid Game season 2 came out. Everyone was commenting: "The purple hair guy, I hate him" etc. and I was like: "T.O.P. is literally shining his chaotic self. I don't think he was given a script". When the merry go round scene came around and he was dancing with his pal...I lost it there. He also gave us BANG BANG BANG after 8 years! XD
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